Monday, December 13, 2010

Race Report: Holiday Half Marathon

Yeah so it's been a rough quarter. I've been flying by the seat of my pants since returning from Europe. Like treading water in a choppy sea, I have been breathing in bursts and wearing myself out just trying to stay afloat. To top it all off, I signed up for a half-marathon the week I returned from Europe and didn't really train for it (unless you count one 9 mile walk/run last month).

So I would first like to say that the course was achingly beautiful with stunning views of the the LA County Fairgrounds, Fairplex Horse Racing Park, Auto Club Raceway, Puddingstone Lake, Bonelli Regional Park, surrounded by the Glendora Foothills and San Gabriel Mountains. Whew! The first 8 miles totally flew by while I ran in the midst of such amazing scenery.

Some of the thoughts I had during the race:

Mile 3: Everyone has to run their own race. You can't go at someone else's pace. To enjoy the experience to the fullest extent, you must look nowhere else but inside yourself for direction.

Mile 6-8: Jingle bell, Jingle bell, Jingle bell rock... Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose... Up on the housetop reindeer paws, out jumps good old Santa Claus...

Mile 8-10: I left, I left, I left my shoe in Tombouctou with fifty holes and a bucket of glue 'cause I thought it was right, right, right for my blister, whoop-de-da

Mile 11: I can still finish in 2:22, why are my legs not working, oh yeah cause I didn't train! Just put one foot in front of the other. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9…98-99-100-1-2-3-4…98-99-100…

Mile 13: FINALLY!

So you can see that as my glucose levels dropped, the profoundness of my thoughts did too. I am so happy I signed up for this event. I feel totally enlivened by the experience. And it didn't hurt to share it with 3 of the most awesome ladies in my life right now.