Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Bike Month 2022

We took kiddo to a couple of group rides: a Walk Bike Glendale event on Apr 3 and then 626 Golden Streets on May 1. Before I forget I wanted to list everything we brought so I can remember what we did and did not use.

Sunscreen 100%
We had a stick and a cream and a spray and we used them all. And nobody got burned. And I put kiddo in long sleeves. And I wore arm bands. And we wore gloves. I think all these things helped.

Diaper bag
100% necessary. I don't know what it is about the bike or if my kid just poops on schedule, but both times we had to do a diaper change of a poopy one in the middle of the event.

Radio Flyer Canopy
I didn't bring this to the first ride but I did have it for the second. It was no hassle and it kept my phone shaded. This is important because phones can get really hot in the sun which drains the battery.

100% required. Fruit, crackers, milk, water. We used all these. Energy bar. Saved my butt when it got close to noon and we weren't at our lunch spot yet.

We brought 2 spare tubes for each bike, Allen wrench, screwdriver, adjustable wrench, tire ions and pump. Thankfully we did not need them but it's always good to have especially when your tires are an unusual size and it is unlikely someone else will have one for you.

Ring Sling
It was nice to have a lightweight carrier but it wasn't necessary. I didn't bring a change of clothes for any of us but that might be worth packing next time especially considering the chance of poop is 2 for 2 so far.

Hand Sanitizer & Toilet Paper
I did have wipes the second time and it was nice to wipe hands around mealtime and diaper change, after applying sunscreen, and before naptime. I almost brought toilet paper but then didn't. We didn't need it but almost. The Port-A-Potty was almost out of TP by 1:30pm and the event ended at 4pm so I imagine at some point in the day, the TP ran out.

Sunglasses & Hats
Kiddo played with them and wore them and they were good to have for all of us. I bought 3 trucker hats in case we took off helmets but wanted to not burn our heads. We didn't really use them but it was probably because we were able to find GOOD shade when we needed it.

Didn't really need it but it was nice to leave a tip at the bakery where we got lunch. Always good to have.

Cooler Bag & Ice
I brought the fruit in a cooler bag with ice packs and I brought two chillers with ice in them. It was GREAT to have cold water to drink on a warm day. It's not classified as necessary but I would call it nice to have.

Bikemate Bag and Squeaker
This is a set of superfun accessories that were available at Aldi in June 2021. I snatched them because I thought the bag would work well on our Brompton and I was right. But I attached it to the accessory bar of the Taga and it is the perfect place to store masks, keys, phone, sunglasses, just the essentials. Also our kid loves squeaking the horn/bell whatever you call it. We didn't get the flag or water bottle but if I see a set like this again, you better believe I'm buying it.

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