Friday, August 11, 2023

late summer or early autumn

This past month, since we've returned from our big summer vacation, I've been shoring up our home. The homeyness of our home, the hygge, if you will. I love writing about all the stuff I bought because it makes me feel less weird for wanting that stuff. It helps me explain to myself why I bought it.

Well firstly, I'm keeping my son home from daycare. So that is saving us $1300 per month for June, July, and August. Last summer, I enrolled kiddo in art classes and swim lessons and gymnastics. This year it just made more sense to Not run around town all day and save money on gas.

I guess I could categorize my spending thusly:

Disneyland at home. Cold brew pot. Karo syrup. Creme de menthe syrup. Shave ice attachment. Aroma oils. Humidifier diffuser.

Upgrades to cottagecore. Blackout curtains. Narrow shelf. Mermaid nightlight. Flower stems.

Zhuzh the office. Keurig pods. Fancy clock. New labcoat. Teacher planner.

Fairy garden project. Tealight candles. Tiny gnomes. Preserved moss.

Halloween costumes. Racing PJs. Steering wheel. Pitcrew tshirts.

Gifts for myself. Wagon handle. Breastfeeding jewelry. Clothes and apron. Watch band. Sunglasses.

Well, when I write it all like this, it doesn't seem so crazy. Yes some of it was a bit frivolous, but if you can't spend your money in a bit of a frivolous way then you are just "buying vitamins," or something else that is boring and doesn't really make you enjoy spending money.

In general, it looks like May was an unusually expensive month but June and July were less than average. We had a hiccup this month (August) when our Air Conditioner froze up. Luckily I had a stockpile of popsicles and a shaved ice attachment to distract us from the heat. We had a fun but expensive and unplanned 3-night getaway to Santa Clarita. We ended up having a great time just riding the bus and visiting local garden centers and swimming in the hotel pool.

I bought a Sous Vide setup because I wanted to try it and because there is a pre-made lunch that we like that is Sous Vide chicken and I wanted to see how difficult it would be to recreate at home. If I learned anything from my Disneyland cookbook, it's that some things are best left to the professionals. Gonna give it a try today.

I titled this post early autumn because Halloween stuff is everywhere in the stores and because Back to School gives me fall vibes and because I am ready for summer to end.

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