Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Perfect Biking Weather

I’ve been riding my new bike a lot. Mom and dad gave me the money to buy a new bicycle, so I bought the fastest one I could afford (plus their help). I went into my local bike shop and the owner (who is a competitive cyclist and known for being a bike fit expert) asked me the following question, “What is it you really want in your new bike?” He stared at me and looked deep into my eyes. I felt like he penetrated deep into my heart and mind. He waited the agonizing seconds for me to formulate a thought. I couldn’t help myself, I said “I want to be AS FAST AS THE BOYS.”
Funny how I’ve always wanted to play with the boys. I’m obviously a girl but as a child I can always remember wanting to chase after boys, play with their toys and hear their stories. Anyway, I went to Anthony's Cyclery because a friend of mine (a boy that I ride with on Tuesday nights, we do nothing but hills and we call it Ceiling Tuesdays) said the UCR Triathalon Club gets their bikes there and that Anthony would take me seriously. It’s funny, the bike ended up costing me $1600, half of which I consider a gift from Mom & Dad. **THANKS!** My parents have always supported me, generously giving me the tools and instruction and freedom and encouragement to achieve anything I wanted in life. I am so lucky.

The other $800 I consider a gift from my husband, Mike. Because some people probably want diamond rings from their husbands, but not me. I love my wedding ring because of what it symbolizes but that’s all the diamonds I need. I consider this bike my 1 year anniversary gift because I got it right around that time. To respect his investment, I’ve been riding as much as I can (4+ days a week) for as many miles as I can do (10-40 miles per ride) as fast as I can (12-18 mph depending on who I’m riding with). Again, I am so lucky to have a husband who is supportive of my hobbies and is interested in promoting my health to the utmost.

The weather here has been really enjoyable lately. We’re getting cloudcover in the mornings, which is gone by noon. This keeps the morning/evenings cool and the afternoons are pleasantly warm and bright. We also have nice sunsets, mostly from all the pollution in the air, but it’s still pretty to me. Great biking weather!

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