Friday, April 7, 2017

Going Greyhound

Going Greyhound to the ACS meeting was a risk, I was warned.  Everything people suggested was true.  The bus depot in downtown LA was surrounded by crack dealers.  The electrical outlets and the toilet on the bus (on the way up) were out of order.  When the electrical outlets and toilet were working (on the way back) we were delayed 2 hours (in the middle of the night) so that we arrived to LA right when morning rush hour was in full effect.

Arriving in downtown San Francisco at 5:30am was kind of strange, but a brisk walk along the Embarcadero was just what I needed after the bus ride up.  I had a fantastic breakfast at Mel's Drive-In on Mission St.

Listening to talks all morning in Marriott Marquis level B2 (the lower basement) with no wifi was awesome, but when I came up to level B1 to send a few tweets, I ran into these Matadors!

The Sunday evening poster session was great!  I got to meet some new people and exchange ideas.  It was a lot of traveling for that one moment, but I'm really happy I got the opportunity to go.  Formalizing your ideas in writing (by a poster or slide presentation) is so good.

I enjoyed wearing the Alpaca scarf my husband gave me at the last minute.  I didn't enjoy wearing the Cole Haan saddle shoes that seemed sensible but always give me a blister.  I walked 16,000 steps that day.  The Greyhound cost around $81 but since it was late, I had to take a $40 Uber to get to campus on time to teach my Monday classes.  Still cheaper than Amtrak!

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