Monday, May 11, 2020

Postpartum Part 4: stations

In this post I want to discuss things like the "breastfeeding cart" and how we organize our baby's clothes and cloth diapers. And let's not forget patient #1, that's mom!

Bathroom station for mom

What I put in mine are as follows: adult diapers, peri bottle, preparation H wipes (with witchhazel solution for rewetting if the package dries out), overnight 12-hour pads, ultrathin 8-hour pads, mesh underwear (from the hospital). I used an old magazine rack for the container. This is a photo of the downstairs bathroom. Bear in mind that you will need one of these stations in each bathroom. The upstairs bathroom, I turned the trash can into a pad holder. I used the bucket from the trash can as a little stand for Tucks pads and the peri bottle. We put a diaper genie in there for disposal of adult and baby diapers. It worked.

Diaper station for baby

We got a bunch of Samla interlocking clear plastic storage containers from IKEA. These I love because they stack and can be reassigned as baby grows. We have already eliminated the newborn size bin and replaced it by splitting clothes into 0-3 months day and 0-3 months night.

One container is the bath kit, which contains a hooded towel, three washcloths, a ducky thermometer, shampoo and lotion. There is a canvas basket that has all the baby blankets. The basket below has all the folded cloth diapers (FSTs).

Top Level

Middle Level
Lower Level

Breastfeeding cart
We got this cart at Big Lots. It was something we thought about before baby arrived. I definitely haven't perfected what's on it, but I have used it daily. 
Top level: earplugs, eye mask, Kleenex, barf bag, pen, breastpads, snacks, water
Middle level: burp cloths, bibs, flannel baby blankets
Bottom level: washcloths, mesh laundry bags filled with baby things such as mittens, socks and hats

Diaper bag

Back side compartment: quick clean micro steam bag, changing station (bags and pee-pee teepee)
Middle compartment: change of clothes, burp cloth, wipes, diapers, diaper rash cream, nail clippers
Front side compartment: disposable breast pads, lanolin cream, reusable cutlery, formula bottles


Mom's bag
Snacks (crackers with cheese or peanut butter, trail mix, protein bars, dried peas), ibuprofen, miralax, support belt, nipple cream, ear plugs, eye mask, baby's gas drops, pads, preparation H wipes and an LED reading light

Bottle washing station

More IKEA Samla bins which sort out Medela bottles from Avent bottles and freezer storage bags. We have a distilled water reservoir, for the bottle warmer and sterilizer. My mom got us a Boon grass drying rack along with the twig, stem, poke and the cactus brush set. I had seen this item at a secondhand shop in Burbank, but arrogantly I thought I would immediately succeed at breastfeeding and wouldn't need any bottles. As I am learning, all the stuff for maternity, baby and postpartum has a raison d'ĂȘtre and more will be revealed if the utility of the item is not immediately evident.

Breast pump bag
So far mine has an infinity scarf and a hands-free pumping bra, a good headband and hair elastic, three power cables (outlet, car, battery) an extra set of membranes, an extra set of tubing, lids, nipples, flanges, connectors, bottles, snacks, separate cooler bag with ziploc and ice packs (for used pump parts), breast pads.

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