Saturday, April 2, 2022

March 2022 thoughts

3/5 - Put kiddo in the silk ring sling for the first time today. Did a haircut and a shower. It was even better than I had hoped. I can't wait to use it this summer in the pool, in the ocean and more often in the shower. Got it used on Poshmark for $60.

3/7 - Even though I take an absurd amount of photos and video of LO, I feel like it's not enough! We had to give our daycare photos of anyone who is authorized to pick up LO and I realized I have so few pics of grandma and auntie. I was watching videos of kiddo and wishing I had more than like 1 every other month. Why do I wait until he is doing something super cute? I just need more!

3/9 - bae has a cough. mama is tired.
"allergies" and Zyrtek. Is he gonna cough for the rest of his life? WTF. He's been coughing since week 1 of December 2021. Like ~15 weeks.

3/11 - I tried to do too much today. Almost started crying on a work Zoom call because I nearly had a panic attack. Trying to balance caring for a sick kid, doing a good job at work, being a good friend / sister / daughter / wife. I wish I could take a Tylenol PM and sleep for 14 hours but I'm still breastfeeding.

3/12 - Man-colds are the bad joke of the universe. LO has been sick all week. I caught it and have been one day behind LO. Now DH has it and he's confined to the bed, taking NyQuil. I feel it's so unfair. I have had to function through it all. 

Kiddo was so whiny last night, I strapped him to my back and walked around our condo complex and found every single unit number from 1 up to 129. It was actually a really fun game and saved my sanity.

3/13 - Self-Care Sunday. Woke up at 5:30am. Put DH in charge of LO. Slept 3 hours. Still feel like crap but it was much needed.

I'm working through LO's naps this weekend instead of resting because even though I'm sick too, I know I'll be keeping LO home from daycare during the week and I need this time to make progress on work stuff. But it sucks. My head hurts. I'm coughing. Kiddo is also teething. He's been biting, scratching, whining, refusing to eat... it's been so rough. It's his birthday tomorrow and I think we're just gonna treat it like a normal day and pray that kiddo is better by next weekend when we will have a party with friends and family.

3/15 - I have never wanted to do a primal scream until now. My sister miscarried at 9w 6d. No heartbeat. I'm so freaking sad for her. Aaaaah!

And I can't do a primal scream IRL because I am sick. I am a teacher. I took all my sick leave as maternity w/ my Marchling. If I scream IRL, I will lose my voice and then I won't be able to talk.

She had her D&C today. I wish I could be there but I live 2000 miles away. My other sister is due 3/19 (any day now). I wish I could be there for her too. So much joy and sadness. Aaaaah!

3/21 - 2 year pediatrician visit today was a mixed bag. Kiddo wearing a mask is just not happening. LO doesn't wear hats or hoods so I don't know how a mask is going to work. LO is growing well and walking strong. Dr. said we are doing a good job as parents.

My middle sister had a miscarriage last week at 10 weeks, which was really super sad. My youngest sister is 41 weeks tomorrow. The timing of these events with LO's 2nd bday is filling me with too many feels.

My husband's uncle died on Friday and we just found out today because they didn't want to ruin LO's bday party with bad news. LO's party was on Saturday. MIL was at the party but FIL was a no-show and now we know why.

I'm not whining. I'm on Spring Break which is absolutely fabulous. Celebrating 14 years of marriage next week. This is one of my favorite times of the year: spring!

I have been researching taking LO to Disneyland and had considered going this week or next. But now I understand you need a ticket AND a reservation and the next available isn't until May. So now planning for Summer. 

But also I want to go "home" for a few weeks in summer to spend time with sisters / cousins / grandparents. Guess it's not too early to get those plans going.

My kid has insisted on wearing ONE pair of shoes 24/7 since Jan 30th. That's fifty days and fifty nights. And today I realized that my two year old has athlete's foot. 

We change his socks at least 2x per day but now I guess we'll be using a cream to treat the fungus and throw away his favorite shoes. The pediatrician said athlete's foot isn't bad, it's toenail fungus that is really hard to treat.

Edit to add: he doesn't have toenail fungus thank goodness

3/19 - Sleep Saturday. Our pediatrician said that night sleep should be uninterrupted. If night nursing 3x per night is happening, then LO should be weaned in order to sleep through the night. He should be consuming 6 oz cows milk during the day, or equivalent dairy intake. 

She didn't say that I should stop breastfeeding but that sleep is important and we should be doing everything we can to help him sleep continuously through the night. I don't know what we should be doing other than what we are already doing. 

I was just saying to DH this weekend that I would be extremely motivated to wean and get LO into his own bed and room if we were TTC but I'm 41 and we're not trying for another and I haven't got my period yet and it's kinda nice not to buy tampons. 

I guess I figure LO will eventually want his own bed and own room and we can absolutely do that when he asks for it. Right now kiddo and I cosleep in a queen bed and DH has his own king bed. DH snores super loud.

3/18 - Feeding Friday. LO's bday party menu was all his favorite things. I've never seen him so happy to sit at a table and eat. Mac & cheese, watermelon, grapes, strawberries, applesauce pouch and goldfish crackers. And mini oreo cookies. There were 6 kids and they all ate at an oversized adult table. My heart melted. I love seeing my kid eat. He's in the 4th percentile for weight, so I just can't help but feed him anything he will actually eat.

I babysat for another kid. Same age as my kid. It was interesting to see how different they were. My kid loves to feed himself. He's really good with a spoon and fork but is picky about what he will eat. This other kid had a bigger appetite and ate a broader range of foods but didn't want anything to do with touching the utensils. He wanted to be spoon-fed. Just interesting to see a different kid.

Our kid loves picking fruit from the garden. I should get some stuff in the ground now. Or make a playdate to do berry you-pick.

3/23 - I feel so late to the party. Tried to look into swimming lessons today for LO and every class is full! The words SOLD OUT are just ringing in my mind and I am having major FOMO.

I think swim lesson enrollment is rolling month-to-month. But just like Disneyland... I have to plan Now for May. I just didn't know.

3/24 - Spring break is giving me life. I have been taking my LO to Fit4Mom workouts and seeing him imitating lunges, high knees, jumping jacks and push-ups is so cute. I am sleeping better after these workouts. 

My sister is in labor now, her water broke overnight. I'm beyond excited for LO to gain a new cousin and for my sister to become a mom.

3/27 - I got so upset with my husband today. Last night I called him ungrateful. Today, he got whiny after being at the zoo for 1.5 hours. I told him that he is responsible for planning all weekends in April. Mommy will be visiting local spas. Alone.

I don't think he gets how much work it is being the default parent. I have given him a glimpse of it two weeks ago when LO was sick and DH had to stay home from work Tues/Thurs. DH was so worn out from those days! I feel like he doesn't have enough energy to chase after a toddler.

Right now DH and LO are taking a nap. They have been asleep for nearly 3 hours (from 2-5 pm). What he seems to forget is that LO only sleeps 12 hours in a 24 hour period. LO slept 1 hour in the car on the way to the zoo. This to me means LO will only sleep 8 hours overnight. Which means he will have a wake window from 5pm to 9pm and then wake up at 5am. Who does overnights? Mom.

3/28 - Trying not to get too caught up in social media. Sharenting isn't my gig and I don't aim to be an influencer. I share because I live 2000 miles away from my parents and sisters. And because I love when social media surprises me with happy memories from the past.

TLDR: We had a super fun weekend and I didn't take any pictures.

3/30 - I've been at work for 5 hours now. Working continuously. I feel I've barely made a dent. I was so caught up in planning for and executing LO's birthday party, taking care of him when he was sick, that I am just a whirlwind here at work with no clear TO DO list or priorities. I love my little guy and think about him all the time. I feel parenthood occupies 95% of my brain function.

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