Friday, January 17, 2025

aftermath of the wildfires

Most people I know are starting to unpack their "go" bags. People who have evacuated will return home next week, or the following week. If they have a home to return to. 

My run club is offering four options for this weekend's long run (1) and (2) are in Griffith Park on Saturday and Sunday, which is being dubbed the "Bunny Hop" Half. (3) is a half marathon in Orange County around the back bay. (4) is an entirely virtual run that you can do on the treadmill, which is only 75 minutes.

I've pivoted as best I can, given the circumstances. I'm trying to be easy on myself for missing workouts. I trust my training has been enough to fill the Fitness Bank, as our couch calls it. The theory is that you train to fill the bank and cash out on race day.

The drawback to indoor workouts is that you use different muscles on the treadmill. I realized it myself when you do a "hill" workout on the treadmill, essentially you're always running on flat or uphill but never downhill. Our coach says that it is almost a different set of muscles. And when you return to running outdoors, you will feel sluggish.

The Coalition for Clean Air suggests that outdoor activities should be avoided until we have a good rain. The coalition comprises representatives from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD).

These times feel reminiscent of COVID-19 early days because people are masking up. There is a lot of uncertainty around risk exposure.

Upsides to the treadmill, you can control your speed much easier. You can read your heart rate. You don't have to wait for the light to change to cross the street. You can watch TV or read a digital book while walking. You don't have to worry about what street you're on, where to turn, or where you can go to the bathroom. You can be unencumbered by your water and snacks. 

I like to look at the houses when I'm out in the city. I want to smell the smells (unless it's urine). I like the vibe of the traffic and hearing whatever music people are listening to. I enjoy waving to people on bicycles, pushing strollers, or dog walking. I don't like getting cat-called or followed by strangers in trucks. I don't like it when cars run red lights. So, there are dangers (risks) associated with indoor and outdoor running.

For me, the timeline went like this:

Sun, Jan 5 - long run with LARR, got my ass handed to me by running too fast
Mon, Jan 6 - Fit4Mom class without kiddo, walked the steep hill
Tues, Jan 7 - walked the school drop-off (skipped morning workout)
Wed, Jan 8 - ran indoors at CSUN
Thurs, Jan 9 - long walk with kiddo 
Fri, Sat, Jan 10-11 - stayed home with kiddo (no school)

Sun, Jan 12 - ran indoors at Planet Fitness, but not a long run.
Mon, Jan 13 - Fit4Mom class without kiddo, walked the steep hill
Tues, Jan 14 - ran outdoors, new route, didn't feel great afterward
Wed, Jan 15 - walked the school drop-off
Thu, Jan 16 - ran indoors at Planet Fitness, but not a long run
Fri, Jan 17 - rest day
Sat, Jan 18 - Half Marathon in OC

I've spent today mostly making sense of where I'm at and where I'm going. I redrew the calendar on the chalkboard and the white board. I could've done more but I'm going to stop now.

aldi beanie

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