Friday, August 7, 2020

cooking with baby in a pandemic

I have been grinding cardamom seeds for granola in the coffee grinder. I take it out to the garage. But I'm usually wearing baby. It does startle him, but also is fascinating to him. We make lots of blended smoothies and run a juicer so I think the kitchen noises have just become a part of life. I was taking it to the garage because dear husband (DH) has been working from home (WFH) and Zooming 24/7.

My new kitchen hack is to break up a task into parts that can be done ~1.5 hours apart. For example: Greek turkey bites. 1) set out ingredients and measuring spoons, cups. Nurse. Nap. 2) chop and combine ingredients. Refrigerate. Nurse, nap. 3) portion out burgers and bake. Nurse. Pull food out of the oven. I can get something made by 2nd lunchtime (i.e. 2pm).

I have also done this with flourless chocolate chip cookies and quinoa broccoli bites. This is a giant leap forward since I have been having a really hard time preparing homemade food. Please share if you have any other tips for cooking with bebe.

Yesterday we started practicing for fall classes (zoom synchronous teaching) by wearing a chest harness and bluetooth ear buds while preparing brownies and a pizza. It was painful to watch back because it was so awkward. I hope if I keep practicing, I will improve.

When baby wants a diaper change or a feeding he does a really adorable slow blink and flashes a smile like a Gerber baby. He literally bats his eyelashes. I think it's because my husband won't change or feed him until baby gives a smile. It is either so wrong or genius. If the food or diaper change doesn't happen soon after the adorable smiling session, then he'll turn into Chucky and start howling.

Baby is put to bed by my husband at 8pm. I usually stay up til 9:30 or later doing: dishes, laundry, watching videos on my phone, catching up on social media, eating late dinner, buying stuff on Amazon. I hate to admit this but I count the hours throughout the day, praying for the strength to make it to 8pm. One strange thing about motherhood is that no matter how tired or in pain I think I am, I find I have a deep well of strength that kicks in when my baby needs me.


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