Thursday, July 23, 2020

buying all the things

Teacher here. Just bought $291 of technology to be able to teach remotely in fall semester.

In the past 3 months I have bought $367 worth of new items for my baby. Mostly stuff that could have been on my registry if I had known I would be needing it.

In that same span of time, I have bought $309 in new clothes and a book for myself. I justified those as a) Mother's day. b) my 40th Birthday. and c) my old clothes don't fit and I never leave the house anymore anyway so why not get more comfy clothes.

Los Angeles kids consignment is having contact-free shopping [online]( for just a few days. I bought about $300 in toys, clothes and feeding stuff for the next stages. Pick up is by appointment.

I am not a big fan of online shopping for new items. I prefer to shop at thrift stores and get things secondhand where possible. The closures of local businesses has made this difficult. We did go to Children's Orchard in Santa Clarita and got a few zipper PJ's and a Sit-me-up chair for $30. It was nice because new those PJs cost $10 each. Because it was 50% off all blue tag items, we got most of them for $1 or $2.

I guess I am trying to justify all this shopping and chalk it up to "this is us doing the best we can, given the current parameters." I hope it's not just me over here like... I'm bored. Let me buy something to cheer me up. I hope this stuff is needed, will be used for years to come when the pandemic-related restrictions are permanently lifted.

And also, my sister's baby shower is in like 2.5 weeks. I can't go due to COVID and it doesn't seem right to fly or drive halfway across the country now. I feel like I would be a leper coming from a hotspot. But I SO wish I could be there!

One thing I have been doing is saving all my Amazon boxes and filling them with items our baby has outgrown and mailing them to my sister. I'm sure we've probably spent $300 in shipping costs, but it is helping me feel like I'm helping her prepare for her baby.

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