Monday, December 30, 2019

Pregnancy Part 19

This month I had a few major things happen at the OB: blood pressure still normal (118/80) and weight gain on track, glucose tolerance test (passed!), screened for anemia (not a problem), got TDAP shot, fetal heart rate check (150 bpm), and the doctor measured my bump with a tape measure (fundal height). We turned in our hospital pre-admission paperwork. We wrote out our birth plan and advance directives.

We spent all day Saturday (12/14) doing hella cooking. I am really enjoying eating healthy that week, which means low sodium. It's still difficult to get the correct balance between protein, carbs and fat, but when I follow the meal plan more closely, I have no trouble meeting the daily recommended amounts of micronutrients (calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron). I never did upgrade to premium MFP, which I had considered doing because you can set the RDA for macro and micronutrients. For example, the RDA for calcium and iron is higher for pregnant and lactating women.

Diet / Meal Planner
Week 27 - Dec 9-15 - 26% (seven fast food)
Week 28 - Dec 16-22 - 51% (four fast food)
Week 29 - Dec 23-29 - 37% (four fast food)

Week 27 - Dec 9-15 - heartburn
Week 28 - Dec 16-22 - fatigue/exhaustion, heartburn, BH contractions, bloating, diarrhea, bleeding gums
Week 29 - Dec 23-29 - headache, neckache, backache, rib pain, heartburn, vivid dreams

I have been enjoying a couple of audiobooks, streaming through hoopla, an app where you can borrow library holdings digitally for 3 weeks. 

"Expecting Better" by Emily Oster
"The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" by La Leche League International

We found out our food processor was broken on Thanksgiving, so we're in the market for a new one.  If you read the second review it explains exactly what happened. Sadly, you can't buy a new "work bowl" separately so the whole thing is just garbage now.

For the medical part, the pregnancy is going along smoothly, but having arrived in the third trimester I am feeling my anxiety and stress creep back in to my brain. It's maybe the increased progesterone.

Polese, Barbara & Gridelet, Virginie & Araklioti, Eleni & Martens, Henri & d'Hauterive, Sophie & Geenen, Vincent. (2014). The Endocrine Milieu and CD4 T-Lymphocyte Polarization during Pregnancy. Frontiers in endocrinology. 5. 106. 10.3389/fendo.2014.00106. 

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