Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Pregnancy Part 22

Today we have our growth scan (ultrasound) with our regular OB. I am feeling pretty good about it. Hoping my weight and blood pressure are cooperative and that my urine contains no protein or other stuff that's not supposed to be there. Hoping baby measures "normal" and is in the right position for delivery.

We've been doing pretty good with following the babycentre diet since the holidays are over and we're mostly home all day every day. We have tried a few of the third trimester recipes that have been a big success in terms of tasting good and freezing/reheating well.

Week 30 - Dec 30-Jan 5 - 54% (three fast food)
Week 31 - Jan 6-12 - 60% (three fast food)
Week 32 - Jan 13-19 - 54% (six fast food)

Week 30 - Dec 30-Jan 5 - ?? didn't record any!
Week 31 - Jan 6-12 - aversions (to bad smells and unfamiliar people), increased thirst, shortness of breath, heartburn, acne, headaches
Week 32 - Jan 13-19 - headache, heartburn, back pain, rib pain, fatigue

I got to return to Fit4Baby class on weeks 31 and 32. While it was harder to do some things like lunges and just balancing on one leg, it felt REALLY good to get into a cardio training zone and dig in to the deep breathing.

I am trying to keep busy with craft projects, in case Albert decides to stay (or overstay) his time in the womb. On the other hand, there's a chance he could come early, so dear husband is kind of nudging me to get these art projects wrapped up.

1) quilt
2) woven scarf
3) tie-dyed onesies
4) painted birth mantras

It's always a task to get all the necessary materials assembled, but I found some old gift cards and have spent the time at JoAnn's and Michael's to get the remaining stuff that I would need. Maybe finishing these projects is like finishing a good book or TV series, I don't want it to be over!

The hospital bag is in the car. The car seat is locked and loaded. The nursery is complete. We visited two consignment stores to find the remaining furniture. We got a rocker from Goodwill for $15. We got a changing table (with pad) from Children's Orchard in Santa Clarita for $36. We got a breastfeeding pillow from Wear it once, Wear it twice in Burbank for $17. For under $70... I feel so much relief!

It was pretty hilarious we decided to slightly disassemble the rocker so that it would be easier to carry and fit through the doorway. Just 4 bolts and 8 washers, but with my big belly and using the adjustable wrench and a ratcheting socket wrench and dear husband and the complicated rocking design, it took a minute and a few drops of sweat, four hands and a bit of giggles to get it put back together. Luckily it did not require a blood sacrifice (as we had with our new Kenmore dryer that we bought at a Sears store closing sale and installed ourselves).

For the MLK 3-day weekend, we started watching some standup comedy on Netflix about becoming parents. We watched Lobby Baby with Seth Meyers and then The New One with Mike Birbiglia. We went to bed at a decent hour. When I woke up on Saturday, I thought having a nice hot chocolate would be good before breakfast... boy was I wrong. I had a severe reaction to it where I started accusing Mike of not helping me enough and feeling all alone and just sobbing. From there he decided to take control of the weekend. We did the consignment shopping on Saturday afternoon. We moved the furniture in on Sunday morning then went for a walk in the Arboretum in the afternoon. Monday morning he helped me cut some quilt pieces, then we went out to the beach and did another long walk, ate a picnic lunch and did some grocery shopping at Winco to restock our pantry. It was a perfect weekend, with the exception of my little meltdown.

So I guess you could say everything is coming together! It is all the more real because a friend delivered her baby 4 weeks early yesterday, so I think it helped dear husband get clear in his mind that it's a possibility and it's best to be as prepared as we can be prior to the baby's arrival. Even though a friend said "you'll never be ready," at least I feel like the major infrastructure is in place and from here on out, we can just fill in the gaps as we go.

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