Sunday, February 9, 2020

Pregnancy Part 25

I had my 34 week OB appointment this week. Everything went well. My blood pressure was 130/80. Albert's heart rate was 150 beats per minute. Went to the Fit4Baby HIIT week 4 out of 6 workout, I am sore but it made me much more relaxed and happy.

I've been trying to do more meditation lately. Nothing serious like hypnobabies, which I keep hearing about, but I am definitely taking advantage of the classes offered at CSUN as well as the guided meditations on the Hello Belly app. I did pay $20 for that app, but the guided meditations on there are pretty good. There are lots of different ones.

This week is a busy week. Tuesday I went to the ballet while Mike had the car. It was very frosty here in So Cal with an overnight low of 31 degrees. I got to walk about two and a half miles that night, to and from the show, or about 6000 steps. Albert slept through pretty much the entire show, but seemed to wake up a bit when we got home and I put my feet up in the recliner.

We have a breastfeeding class at the hospital. We're also possibly going swimming. I went to work on Monday, but then Tuesday I spent all day at home cooking and doing laundry. I also unwrapped all the free bottles we got and read about how to clean them. Wednesday morning I spent at the doctor and then in the afternoon I pretty much just napped.

Last weekend was a busy weekend also. It seemed like we didn't do any of our normal "reset" tasks, such as shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. I sat down Tuesday and made a list of all thing things I wanted to cook, but I only got 3 out of 7 done. Not sure when I'll get to the remainder. I didn't bring anything to eat for lunch today, but I've been doing pretty good on following my meal planner this week.

I'm still using the Ovia app to track symptoms. I used to religiously read the daily updates of information in my first and second trimesters, but now I check in maybe weekly. There's so much going on inside my body, and visible from the outside too, that I don't feel it's as necessary to read about it.

I ended up re-starting taking Vitamin B6 for nausea. I bought a new bottle between Week 33 and 34. In reading the comments on my Reddit bumper group, many of us are experiencing a resurgence of morning sickness. If Vit B6 worked before, maybe it will work again. I think it is working, but I'm not going to stop taking it and find out.

Another thing I'm trying to do to manage nausea and heartburn is to eat every 2 hours instead of every 4 hours. I've been feeling the best when I have a shake or something nutritious that I can just sip on throughout the day. I'm planning to start eating dates next week, supposedly they help with softening of the cervix and increase the odds that you will go into labor spontaneously.

Week 33 - Jan 20-26 - 50% (five fast food)
Week 34 - Jan 27-Feb 2 - 43% (five fast food)
Week 35 - Feb 3-9 - 63% (three fast food)

Week 33 - Jan 20-26 - BH contractions, neckache, backache, heartburn, bloating and flatulence
Week 34 - Jan 27-Feb 2 - morning sickness/nausea, headache, neckache, backache, heartburn, leg cramps
Week 35 Feb 3-9 - appetite decrease, BH contractions, nipple soreness, tender breasts, abdominal itchiness, leg cramps, swelling

It seems like we got our hospital bag pretty much completely packed. It's in the car, too. I think this baby will arrive on time or late. Dear husband is convinced he will come early. I guess it's better to be ready, but he's got me stressing pretty hard on getting everything ready at home (diapers, bottles, freezer meals). I have 25 meals in the freezer and 4 more in the fridge that should be moved into the freezer. 

Ugh, I really don't want to start working, but these documents aren't going to correct themselves. 

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