Thursday, May 21, 2020

Postpartum Part 11: symptoms

My sister says I kept an annoyingly scientific record of my pregnancy symptoms and I said, "it's for you!" I kept wondering if all those things were normal and how long they would last. So I am continuing to track symptoms postpartum as I recover however quickly or slowly.

rhinitis - gone

bleeding gums - gone

flatulence - worse

carpel tunnel - worse

linea nigra - same

stretch marks - not an issue

nipple soreness - not an issue... but breastfeeding is a challenge! It's not 100% painless.

hair falling out - not an issue (yet)

mastitis - constant struggle

discharge - much less

feet hurting - same as 3rd trimester

symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) - never had it. But I did have postpartum back pain that was REALLY bad in weeks 3 and 4.

According to a chiropractor, the back pain was caused by three reasons (1) diastasis recti (2) a sacrum that may be out of place and (3) the Cesarean section. The whole core is destabilized. Throw in there a high level of relaxin that will persist as long as we are breastfeeding, that is the reason for some of the inflammation.

She let me know that there is scar tissue forming as my body is healing from the surgery. Filaments are forming as the uterus is contracting to its original size, and these filaments can cause pain in the abdomen and even down into the legs. It was hard to get out of my comfy recliner and get in and out of bed. The chiropractor said it will be important to NOT do a sit-up or crunch for at least one year to let the diastasis recti repair.

Now two months postpartum, I have less trouble getting in/out of bed. I can roll from my left to my right side in bed without any pain. I can get in and out of my recliner carrying baby without any pain.

One month after my C-section, I missed: hard laughing, working out, riding a bicycle, leg lifts, squats and lunges. I looked forward to the day when I could lay on my stomach and rest there. 

One month postpartum, laying on my side was nice. Two months postpartum, my breasts are huge and still painful. I could not lay on them, no way. I have bought some new PJs and sleep bras to help alleviate the discomfort of engorgement and the hot flashes I seem to get at night. I sleep really well when my bedroom is like 55 degrees.

One month postpartum, I looked forward to lifting things like laundry baskets, stroller, and carseat with baby in it. I can do most of these now, but the baby is gaining weight so fast I have to keep doing my Fit4Mom workouts to build my upper body to be able to lift baby in carseat. I have done it at least once recently.

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