Sunday, November 15, 2020

30 week check-in

This morning I feel okay. My sister had her baby over the weekend, which was exciting and terrifying. It brought back memories of my hospital stay, which weren't welcome to say the least. Everything I read says that it can help you process your trauma if you re-tell your birth story over and over. Since the entire country went into lockdown right after my son was born, I feel like I didn't re-tell my story very often. In fact I think I only told one person. 

I've been watching The Handmaid's Tale on Hulu and it's cathartic. Seeing a severe dystopia where women's work is devalued in the extreme for some reason makes me feel better about the present reality.

Albert is having 3 meals a day of purees. Breakfast is rice cereal with vitamin D drops. Lunch is some kind of fruit or vegetable puree, we tried lentils once so far. Dinner is always avocado since he likes it and it's high fat content helps him sleep better at night with fewer wake-ups.

It's really hard to balance working and caring for this tiny human. At the beginning of the semester, I had an infant insert on top of the pack and play. I would feed him and get him to fall asleep on the Boppy then transfer him to the PnP, which had a mattress on top. That would get me 30-40 minutes uninterrupted work time. But somehow, when my mom came to visit, we ended up regressing on that progress. We kind of went back to being held all the time.

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