Monday, June 24, 2019

Fertility Part 16

The embryo has been transferred. I cannot believe I thought the side-effects of estrace alone were strange. Definitely whatever is happening in my body now is much worse, but I will avoid the "Pain Olympics" and also try to not obsess about "Symptom Spotting."

First, I felt like a pot on the stove - about to boil over at any moment. Then, I felt like I had ants under my skin - everything irritated me. Now, I feel like there is a unicorn-horn sitting on top of my stomach and piercing through my heart and piercing my throat and making my neck hurt.

I have been having some terrible nightmares as well.

6/22 In the middle of class, my chalk board turned into a marker board but all I had to write with was chalk. There were two senior colleagues observing me. I was not prepared. There were lots of fake plants in the way of me writing on the board. There were no erasers. The board too high and I had to keep getting up on chairs, etc to write on it. The students were not respectful, they kept moving around the room and putting their hoods up over their faces. I could not think of a good example to illustrate what I was trying to teach.

6/23 I was at school for some ceremony or convocation in my pajamas. Although I knew I was not properly dressed, there was nothing else to wear. A student comes to my office hours to question my authority or accuracy. Faculty around were judging me. There was construction on campus. I went for a walk and got lost.

6/24 It is the first day of lab. There are too many students. I cannot find the instruments. The students did not print the lab manual because I had not made the Canvas page. I do not know my own schedule. So I lay down in prep room and put my feet up on a chair for the entire lab period, didn't teach or interact with students, wasted students time.

As far as I have read, this is normal. People call them PIO dreams (progesterone in oil) and they're not always about fertility, in fact they are usually about other stuff.

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