Thursday, July 2, 2020

upcoming surgery

I went to a Zoom book club this week. I feel my adult academic brain is like lost in the fog of hormones. I could bearly follow the discussion. Half the time I couldn't remember the prompt long enough to think of a response, and the times when I could think of a response, I couldn't remember it long enough to share it when another person finished speaking. I'm not mad about it. It's just strange and new to me. 

I can't keep track of little details anymore. Like baking meatballs that have to be turned halfway through cooking, I couldn't remember which pan (left or right) was on the top or bottom oven rack. I used to be so meticulous! I am a bit worried about starting to work again. I have less than 2 months left.

Anyone else become more neurotic about keeping a tidy house? I used to be very lackadaisical about housekeeping but ever since my son was born I can't stand having dirty dishes in the sink, used socks on the floor, cluttered countertops and unfolded blankets on the couch. I think it's because everything with the baby feels very out of my control. He feeds and sleeps on HIS schedule. So keeping the house tidy is something I can control. 

This wouldn't be a worry except I am staying up later at night to tidy up while my husband goes to bed early with the baby. I'm home alone just me and baby all day while my husband is at work, so it's harder to tidy up during daylight hours. But now I am losing sleep and getting tired during the day. Yesterday I stole a little afternoon nap and I usually hate sleeping during the day. Then I was up doing laundry during my MOTN pump.

We started logging sleep in the Huckleberry app. I'm curious to know if it's more regular than I can perceive.

Finally, and most importantly, Albert's surgery is scheduled for next week. It's a laparoscopic hernia repair. He's also having a COVID test. The following week, he will get his 4-month vaccinations, so July will be very busy medically speaking. Also, I'm turning 40. NBD.

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