Thursday, July 2, 2020


So much of mommy social media is aspirational. It's unattainable yet attractive. Nobody wants their Instagram showcasing photos of dim lighting, dust and clutter. But that's where this pandemic has me sitting right now.

Aspirational products in the mommy sphere I would include a Snoo. It is priced in the $1,100-$1,400 range. It is intended for newborns and infants up to 25 lbs and/or 6 months of age. Even the Halo bassinet is $275. We got a used one for $28 that we only used for a month before switching to a $77 cosleeper with a vibration attachment.

Another one I would say is the DockATot. Priced between $175-$315, it is essentially a fancy pillow with a removable cover. I thought I needed it for a minute, but I'm ultimately glad I bought another product instead.

Another category of aspirational baby products is prams. One, for example, costs $529-$699. The BOB jogging stroller costs $399-$699. I'm not saying a jogging stroller isn't useful. I just feel like maybe it's priced high because not everyone can afford it and that is on purpose. It's a product that communicates to other moms that you have the financial means to purchase such a high-priced item.

Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced, priced at $249, is like a one touch espresso machine for making up baby bottles. Now we're guilty on this one! We have the Baby Brezza Bottle Warmer ($70) and Baby Brezza Sterilizer ($100) when you could just boil some water in a pot for free. I do use these two appliances EVERY DAY, but I think each person would have to decide for themselves whether they want such luxury.

We are transferring our son to his crib, he is 3.5 months old and just under 15 pounds.

I have been thinking about the phrase "aspirational" lately. In marketing, it applies to like high-end items that not everyone can afford. There are lots of things like that for babies. But I also see a lot of aspirational Instagram accounts full of moms and kids where everything is clean and everyone is happy and gorgeous.

Lately I've been putting healthy eating (meal planning, shopping, cooking, washing up) and working out (getting organized, wearing the right gear, showering before/after) in the aspirational bucket. I want an Instagram worthy meal. "Eat the rainbow" and all that. I want to glitter and glisten with glamorous sweat. But some days all I do is tend to the baby. Either he's needy or I'm exhausted or both. Sometimes the fitness and clean eating are just aspirational.

I have nowhere near lost "the baby weight." I struggled to lose about 30 lbs before I was pregnant. Then gained it back during pregnancy. Lost a bunch quick after delivery. Gained some back now while breastfeeding. I feel flabby but where am I really going now because pandemic. At least there's less to do now where looks matter.

My MIL and SIL said something kind of weird on Mother's Day, which was supposed to be our big "sip and see" party. They said, "you can look frumpy for a year. But after that..." yeah well I'm just taking this full year then to focus on repairing my body and enjoying spending time with my baby. I give myself permission to take my time and not get too caught up in aspirations.

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